daniel's blog


[this blog]

Personal notes about research projects, software development, hardware hacking and random stuff.

Daniel M. Lima

Friendly, DIYer, passionate on technology, curious about science and culture, romantic and a fierce mountain biker.
Data Scientist (AYESA), Consultant (LAB Tech & Analytics), Biomedical Informatics Researcher (InCor/HCFMUSP). PhD in Computer Science and Mathematics (ICMC-USP). I use databases, artificial intelligence and information systems to develop intelligent applications for industry, healthcare, imaging and decision support. I also help experts with data curation, statistics and real-time analytics.

  • Resume, Lattes, OrcID, ResearchGate;
  • PhD in Computer Science and Mathematics: databases, deep learning, biomedical informatics (2023), ICMC-USP;
  • MSc in Computer Science and Mathematics: databases, graph theory, visualization (2013), ICMC-USP;
  • Technologist in Information Systems (2008), IFPI.